marsblackvintage life. whatever inspires…

Tag: faces


cassidy 2

cassidy three

cassidy 1


cassidy 3

5 pictures of Cassidy.

“Strange Times” The Black Keys

pictures jess russell mbv.

faces. flowers. crow.


lyric dad

lyr grape


mom 2


hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa… finally got a picture of our new friend (crow).

pictures jess russell

listening to:

“Corsicana Clip” Woven Hand


a little pinhole picture from a while back. i did not add it to the last grouping… for some reason… was going through some pictures and thought to share it. still working on this project very slowly…little bit of project#3458739485739023945

more of project#3458739485739023945

ah man. i do start allot of stuff… well i am gonna finish this one day. it will probably take.. years.

song is Great Pearl.. wrote some years back… but it seems rather present… it is interesting that i wrote a line… that says “children see things, so clearly…” before i had any (children)… and it is true, they do. it is a bit fascinating to me how we begin with such an open simple mind… and return to it…

picture/song jess russell

more of project #3458739485739023945

here are a few more pictures that are getting closer to what i want. little bit of project #3458739485739023945 to see the process i suppose. anyhow i am (closer) to beginning the actual project now, which is probably gong to take along time. It will include something like 50 faces or so. So if i know you, know that you will probably be kidnapped and kept within my creative realm until i have the picture i need. (goodness) you can be afraid, or excited. Either way this will happen. :0

i also have some more thanks coming up soon.!

song Revival Soulsavers/Mark Lanegan
pictures of various faces taken with vintage Las’stik tin. jess.